Monday, August 14, 2017


The constitution of the United States states that it was written to preserve the domestic tranquility of its people. 

Domestic tranquility means that it is the federal government's job to keep peace within our borders by using the National Guard, police forces, and other means of control. These branches are not necessarily military, but are used like one when needed. The National Guard (a method of keeping tranquility) is the states' way of taking part in their right to have a militia. The police force is used to enforce the laws of a district, whether it be a city, state, county, or town.

But what happens when the federal government is both the perpetrator and moderators of these false flag events.  One must wonder, what are black the motivating factors behind such a ploy on humanity?  Control...  The 1965 CBS premiered a weekly comedy sitcom called Get Smart( the name alone was a play on words indicating to the America public that they were not Smart, and being controlled through tv by their handlers).  Don Adams played a character called Maxwell Smart.  Smart was a deep state agent of the United States of America, operated under a black budget, whose job it was to fight chaos.  The sub CIA government agency that he worked for, went by the code name Control.  The show lasted for 5 seasons, but revealed a truth about what Americas deep state 
really want and stand to benefit from all of this chaos.   Control.

Protesters who are against Burundi President Pierre Nkurunziza and his bid for a third term march in Bujumbura on 4 June 2015.Reuters/ Goran Tomasevic

The 1994 Rwanda genocide left more than 800,000 Tutsi and moderate Hutu dead. The catalyst was hate speech against the Tutsi minority spread by Hutu extremists via mass media, radio stations in particular. Radio Mille Colline (RTLMC) told jokes against the "cockroaches" - a derogatory term usedto define the Tutsis, who made up 14% of the population.

Could America be using the same brain washing tactics against its people that are being used currently in Rawanda?  not by radio only, but by CNN, MSNBC, FOX, Facebook, Google and YOUTUBE?  Is this the reason they are constantly covering negative stories on TV, and silencing every conservative voice of TV AND Youtube?

YouTube has attacked over 100% of the conservatives on Their platform.  They have taken down videos, hid, and demonetized over 95% of all conservative views.  

What they want you to watch is CNNs coverage of the rioting and racial clashes.  This merely fuels the flame for violence and division along differing points of view.  Black white, straight gay, left right, 


The constitution of the United States states that it was written to preserve the domestic tranquility of its people. 

Domestic tranquility means that it is the federal government's job to keep peace within our borders by using the National Guard, police forces, and other means of control. These branches are not necessarily military, but are used like one when needed. The National Guard (a method of keeping tranquility) is the states' way of taking part in their right to have a militia. The police force is used to enforce the laws of a district, whether it be a city, state, county, or town.

But what happens when the federal government is both the perpetrator and moderators of these false flag events.  One must wonder, what are black the motivating factors behind such a ploy on humanity?  Control...  The 1965 CBS premiered a weekly comedy sitcom called Get Smart( the name alone was a play on words indicating to the America public that they were not Smart, and being controlled through tv by their handlers).  Don Adams played a character called Maxwell Smart.  Smart was a deep state agent of the United States of America, operated under a black budget, whose job it was to fight chaos.  The sub CIA government agency that he worked for, went by the code name Control.  The show lasted for 5 seasons, but revealed a truth about what Americas deep state 
really want and stand to benefit from all of this chaos.   Control.

Protesters who are against Burundi President Pierre Nkurunziza and his bid for a third term march in Bujumbura on 4 June 2015.Reuters/ Goran Tomasevic

The 1994 Rwanda genocide left more than 800,000 Tutsi and moderate Hutu dead. The catalyst was hate speech against the Tutsi minority spread by Hutu extremists via mass media, radio stations in particular. Radio Mille Colline (RTLMC) told jokes against the "cockroaches" - a derogatory term usedto define the Tutsis, who made up 14% of the population.

Could America be using the same brain washing tactics against its people that are being used currently in Rawanda?  not by radio only, but by CNN, MSNBC, FOX, Facebook, Google and YOUTUBE?  Is this the reason they are constantly covering negative stories on TV, and silencing every conservative voice of TV AND Youtube?

YouTube has attacked over 100% of the conservatives on Their platform.  They have taken down videos, hid, and demonetized over 95% of all conservative views.  

What they want you to watch is CNNs coverage of the rioting and racial clashes.  This merely fuels the flame for violence and division along differing points of view.  Black white, straight gay, left right, 

Monday, April 25, 2016

Was Prince Murdered?

Does Beyonce' work for the CIA?

There seems to be a deliberate agenda to cause anarchy within America and around the world.  This video speaks to the issue of propaganda being promoted by the Illuminate and liberal media to institute a New World Order.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

My Thoughts On Barber Shop

I saw Barber Shop this week. The plot of the movie was to save the neighborhood. In order to do this, the barbers came up with a plan to create a 48 hour cease fire within their community by giving away free haircuts. Good right??? Here's the stupid part. During the cease fire, the barbers complained that murder rates in Chicago was due to poor policing and lack of government intervention. However, an Indian (also a barber) from India, suggested that blacks could have better neighborhoods by becoming more responsible and not looking for the government to rebuild their broken down communities. He suggested that foreign people often do this because they understand that America is a land of opportunity. They take advantage of the opportunities. He recounted a story of how his ancestors arrived in America and survived because they took advantage of the American dream. Well... This idea was totally rejected like the flu. They basically told him that he was stupid and a spy for FOX NEWS! He was laughed at and mocked! Even though the blacks in the movie were fed up with their crime ridden neighborhoods, the suggestion that they take the reins of their own destiny was meant with cold stares and sneers. They blamed all of their problems on slavery and white people.  One person said he hates white people. To me, this was just another movie that reinforced the ideology of black victimization. The idea that we, as a people, cannot do better because we were once slaves. Can you imagine? We live within the greatest country on earth. We have a black president, slavery ended two centuries ago, yet we still are chained to the past. Sadly, many Black Americans squander too many opportunities. They think that slavery and racism is an excuse for all of their failures. SMH

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


It seems that everyday black people are posting videos of themselves acting like fools. 
 Fighting, destroying property, robbing, looting, and acting like SUPER PREDATORS, 
as Hillary calls it.   Just look at any Media Take Out Video and you will see headlines 
Students Are Caught . . . POPPING MOLLY! or Black Chicago is the Murder Capital of 
the World!  These headlines in combination with video after video of black people 
brutalizing one another in the streets inform any person with common sense that the
black violence is not a social economic problem. It has nothing to do with the lack of 
money!  Neither can black people blame their stupid behavior on other outside forces, 
such as, racism, too many guns on the streets, lack of police protection, social injustices, 
white privilege or bad cops.   Black people need to blame themselves.  We attend 
churches where we hear sermons that exonerate us of guilt, instead of  teaching us that 
we are sinners in need of repentance.  We listen to radio stations that reinforce our belief 
that we have been victimized. We participate in bogus marches every time some black 
law breakers gets arrested or killed.  Black people are the blame for the majority of 
their problems.   Jesus said, a man is made evil from within his heart, and not from his 
circumstances (Mark 7:20).  Black people must then realize that it is not lack of money 
that causes them to act like fools, it's their evil hearts.   Black people, as an ethnic group, 
need to repent!  We must tell God that we are sorry for our implacable nature and ask 
Jesus Christ to be the Lord over our attitudes.