It seems that everyday black people are posting videos of themselves acting like fools.
Fighting, destroying property, robbing, looting, and acting like SUPER PREDATORS,
as Hillary calls it. Just look at any Media Take Out Video and you will see headlines
the World! These headlines in combination with video after video of black people
brutalizing one another in the streets inform any person with common sense that the
black violence is not a social economic problem. It has nothing to do with the lack of
money! Neither can black people blame their stupid behavior on other outside forces,
such as, racism, too many guns on the streets, lack of police protection, social injustices,
white privilege or bad cops. Black people need to blame themselves. We attend
churches where we hear sermons that exonerate us of guilt, instead of teaching us that
we are sinners in need of repentance. We listen to radio stations that reinforce our belief
that we have been victimized. We participate in bogus marches every time some black
law breakers gets arrested or killed. Black people are the blame for the majority of
their problems. Jesus said, a man is made evil from within his heart, and not from his
circumstances (Mark 7:20). Black people must then realize that it is not lack of money
that causes them to act like fools, it's their evil hearts. Black people, as an ethnic group,
need to repent! We must tell God that we are sorry for our implacable nature and ask
Jesus Christ to be the Lord over our attitudes.
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