The constitution of the United States states that it was written to preserve the domestic tranquility of its people.
Domestic tranquility means that it is the federal government's job to keep peace within our borders by using the National Guard, police forces, and other means of control. These branches are not necessarily military, but are used like one when needed. The National Guard (a method of keeping tranquility) is the states' way of taking part in their right to have a militia. The police force is used to enforce the laws of a district, whether it be a city, state, county, or town.
But what happens when the federal government is both the perpetrator and moderators of these false flag events. One must wonder, what are black the motivating factors behind such a ploy on humanity? Control... The 1965 CBS premiered a weekly comedy sitcom called Get Smart( the name alone was a play on words indicating to the America public that they were not Smart, and being controlled through tv by their handlers). Don Adams played a character called Maxwell Smart. Smart was a deep state agent of the United States of America, operated under a black budget, whose job it was to fight chaos. The sub CIA government agency that he worked for, went by the code name Control. The show lasted for 5 seasons, but revealed a truth about what Americas deep state
really want and stand to benefit from all of this chaos. Control.
Protesters who are against Burundi President Pierre Nkurunziza and his bid for a third term march in Bujumbura on 4 June 2015.Reuters/ Goran Tomasevic
The 1994 Rwanda genocide left more than 800,000 Tutsi and moderate Hutu dead. The catalyst was hate speech against the Tutsi minority spread by Hutu extremists via mass media, radio stations in particular. Radio Mille Colline (RTLMC) told jokes against the "cockroaches" - a derogatory term usedto define the Tutsis, who made up 14% of the population.
Could America be using the same brain washing tactics against its people that are being used currently in Rawanda? not by radio only, but by CNN, MSNBC, FOX, Facebook, Google and YOUTUBE? Is this the reason they are constantly covering negative stories on TV, and silencing every conservative voice of TV AND Youtube?
YouTube has attacked over 100% of the conservatives on Their platform. They have taken down videos, hid, and demonetized over 95% of all conservative views.
What they want you to watch is CNNs coverage of the rioting and racial clashes. This merely fuels the flame for violence and division along differing points of view. Black white, straight gay, left right,
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